Viva Las VegaStamps! DT Tryout

This week I had a difficult decision as to whether I would or would not return to work from maternity leave . After changing my mind a few times I am happy to say that I've made the right decision for me and will be staying home to look after our beautiful boy! Oh and did I mention that means I will also have to time to create wonderful, wonderful things! (insert really big smiley face here!)  

So keeping all that in mind I've decided that I want to be part of a design team, I think its a great opportunity of be creative, to have your art work appreciated, to show/teach other crafters your style, to play with new products (which is always fun!) and something that I've been wanting to do for awhile but just haven't had the time or guts to apply. 

So as part of Viva Las VegaStamps application I need to showcase three stamped projects that best represent me and my style. This is going to be hard because I only get to choose three pieces of work and I don't really know what to call my style. I do know that I like to use stamps in almost all my projects, and I honestly believe that you can never have enough shoes, hand bags or stamps!! 

So here are my best three projects (so far):

I hope you like my work - I'm glad that I'm not the one choosing design team members, I'd imagine that there are some awesome (most likely better than me) creative people out there!


Happy Crafting!



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