My little secret...

Hello everyone!!! 

Exciting things are happening for me this year! 

The past few months I've been working hard to design a few die-cuts that are currently being manufactured as I type! EXCITING!!! (high pitch squeal!) 

I will be launching and selling my die-cuts (hopefully) by the end of February, but I hope to have a reveal of the designs sometime in the next few weeks.

Here is the important information you need to know, so that you can get first class tickets to the reveal. Eventually, there will be challenges, and competitions so please please please come and join my facebook group below. 

Selling here:

I will also have a website, but this is still under constructions. I will post these details on my blog as soon as possible.

Challenges/Inspiration/Ideas/Competitions here:

Did you also know I'm on Pinterest?

Feel free to follow me!! Here is the direct link to my Pinterest account.

and of course there is Instagram

My Little Paper World - Instagram

Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you all over on my facebook group for the BIG reveal!

Happy Crafting!



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